Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ferry Peace

There's a moment every day where the brain has time to breath, before the hectic day pushes all creative thoughts away. My time happened this morning on the ferry, when I turned my face to the sun. Seagulls punctuated the blue sky, and a lone orange kayak nestled within the rolling waves. The Olympic Mountains are still naked; just a glittering of snow on their highest peaks. Below is my version of "breathing space", which is regularly featured in "O" Magazine. I thank my lucky stars that I have the most beautiful morning commute, which is so soothing, it eases tension from my shoulders, and allows me to settle deep within myself, with my camera along for the ride.

I leave my island in my wake, until its only a distant shore, onto Seattle's hustling and bustling city streets. Where would you rather be?

I love my ferry, my daily dose of solace, relaxation, as I ride the waves.


Contact Travis said...

I am so envious...I love the ferry. rain, shine, cold, warm...i love the ferry. I love to stand on the passenger deck, i love to stand on the car deck out at the very edge. Ive used these boats to get to and from my 'home' in kitsap county for nearly 20 years and still each time I board one...I am as joyfilled as the first time.

your pictures are so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

That is the writing style that will make you famous.

Lisa said...

Paula's right. I love your style. And it makes me want to be on the ferry and living on Bainbridge too.

- A - C - said...

judging by this post, it looks like you are up for a cruise every day... your writing makes us all wanting to ride with you on the ferry.

Anonymous said...

Only thing better is if you were taking that ferry from Bremerton!