Monday, June 16, 2008

Hello, Kitty

Say hello to my kitty, Lexi. I found this cat at a humane society and it was love at first sight. She pressed here mangy body against the cage and purred like she'd never purred before. She's my favorite cat in the whole world, and lovingly goes by the name, "kitty". I don't remember the last time I called her Lexi.


andrea said...

Your cat made me love cats =) Since I've never had pets, never really got to see first hand when people said "animals have their own personalities". But man, your cat sure does. She's so much fun to watch. She's so zany! Reminds me of you, haa haa!

Colleen said...

It's sad, but cute when they perform at animal shelters. Like, "PICK ME! PICK ME! PICK ME! PLEEEEEEEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE!"

She's beautiful!

Dan-Eric Slocum said...

Sweet and beautiful. Hi Lexi.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet baby! Please give her belly foofs for me!

Angela Joy Schonberg said...

CUTE kitty!!! I miss going out on stories with you already. Let's just say I am getting in a lot of office time. I can't wait for my next weekend excursion. So much to see! I hope you have a great day!

Bobby Corser said...