Friday, June 6, 2008

Everyone's Doing It - Travel Photos

This is Cologne, Germany. There church there is magnificent.
Onto the crazy streets of Amsterdam for one night and part of a day.

The on to my favorite city, Paris. The Notre Dame.

I think above is the French Parlaiment Building.

Can you spot the model posing behind me?

The Sacre de Coure.
The Arce De Triomphe.

Lovely Parisian street.

After Paris, onto Munich on an overnight train.

I love Munich. Especially the beer halls with massive beers, hot dogs, and men in Liederhosen.


danielskiffington said...

You're right's the latest BLOG fad. Post pictures from trips abroad. They look good. You look really young. Wasn't it just last year?

Anonymous said...

You are so young and so well-traveled.

I want for all of the young people at KOMO to start packing me in the suitcase.

Contact Travis said...

I love all the travel pics...its so much fun to see where we've all been!

We really are lucky to be so well traveled.