Friday, May 23, 2008

Why I hate gum

I have nothing against this crazed-looking girl, only that giant pink mass popping out of her mouth. I have a "thing" against gum, just a little pet peeve. I think people look like cows when they chew gum with their mouths open. No, I don't want to look inside the yawning abyss of your mouth, or listen to the never-ending chomping sound. I think gum should be illegal, since it NEVER goes away, never gets old. I find this especially distracting on the bus (thank god for my ipod) or in meetings, where I have no escape. Sometimes it makes me want to scream.

So, I have one favor to ask. If you just have to chew gum, PLEASE keep your mouth closed.


Anonymous said...

I get violent when I hear people chewing their food... sometimes I can hear them chewing even though their mouth is closed. Something just snaps and I want to hold their jaw still. I totally understand.

Anonymous said...

My mom used to constantly chew gum and POP it!! Ugh. That was between cigarettes. Thank goodness she stopped smoking! I can't chew gum because of her. Just don't like it anyway.

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way about ice and crunch foods. Eat them privately.

Contact Travis said...

I'm the opposite... I've been an obsessive gum-chewer since childhood.

My grandmother used to carry big red in her purse and to this day even the smell of it makes me think of her.

I was also a big bubble blower and LOVED hubba-bubba.

I'll try very hard though not to smack around you :)

Colleen said...

I have never seen you chew gun, Travis.

Contact Travis said...

every morning I get into my newscar to drive to work and I put a fresh piece of gum in my mouth.

I doubt you've ever seen me without gum in my mouth.

I've just learned how to seriously hide it much of the time

Kristin said...

Travis you are GOOD. I have never seen or heard you chew gum in my life, and for that, I am very thankful. I don't mind gum when I can't see it or hear it, haha.

Contact Travis said...

I'm such an addict I used to ANCHOR on TV with gum...

(until we were going into a commercial break and it accidentally came flying out of my mouth onto my scripts...thankfully I was talking under video)

Dan-Eric Slocum said...

This thread is killing me. GREAT STUFF. It's like we're standing around in the newsroom talking. I love it.

By the way Kristin, I linked to your site from mine.

Have a great weekend. e

andrea said...

Haa haa!
You also have a thing against flip flops ; )