So, it's Memorial Day, there is absolutely nothing going on in terms of news, there are five reporters on staff, and I can't get my brain to write a single line of copy that actually makes sense. Instead, I will give my brain a short break, and hopefully yours as well. I'm daydreaming about San Miguel de Allende, its cobblestone streets and vivid colors, where purple bougainvilleas creep along stucco walls, where life slows down about 20 paces from the crazy life of a Seattle journalist.
Those are the streets I want to walk along every day, this is the place I want to live and study Spanish again and work on writing a book:
Oh what wonderful daydreams these are, but I can actually smell the fresh tortillas baking, the burgers frying with jalepenos on street stands. I can see the smiling faces and feel the soft pillow beneath my face during the afternoon siesta. What a luxurious three hours. You see, I did live in Mexico for three months during my junior year of college to study Spanish, and I came back to the United States completely culture-shocked. Why are people so frantic? Why is everyone speaking English? Why is everyone so WHITE? It took me a few months to adjust to the flow of life back in the United States, and this was in the relatively "slow" city of Eugene. Just look at me now, a news reporter in a big city, rushing to get stories on the air every half an hour, where thirty seconds is an eternity.
Sometimes its good to just let the mind relax, to remember the scents and sights of a place where time has no meaning.
You daydream about Mexico.
Colleen daydreams about Greece.
For me its London.
In really great ways I think each is so reflective of our personalities.
What a wonderful observation, Travis. Isn't it wonderful to have a real-life fantasy land?
I'll admit that part of the reason for my sunburn is because the feeling of the sun on my skin this weekend reminded me of Greece :)
I lived in San Miguel for 2 and a half months. It's a beautiful city for sure, but I would never want to live there. Perhaps as a white American, it's more interesting, for me, it was just a confusing whole of invisibility.
Man, I am so positive!
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