Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We made our turkey and Thanksgiving meal last weekend, but first, we held the turkey under the faucet, gently rubbing its prickly skin, cleaning it.
"Thank you turkey," David said.
"Yup," I chimed in, "thanks for giving your life to nourish our bodies."
As an omnivore, it's important to recognize the sacrifice these animals give to provide us with sustenance. Oftentimes these creatures lead miserables lives, which can't even be called a life at all. Native Americans always thanked the animal when it died, in hopes this would release its spirit. I think of all the turkeys that are born in the United States to provide us with a Thanksgiving holiday. I wonder who these turkeys are, why their spirits chose to be born turkeys, why they had to live and die like this. I sure wouldn't want to be born a turkey, and would feel much better eating one if I knew that it got some time in the sun, to peck around the grass and really grow and enjoy life.
Every time I eat something that used to be alive, I tell it thanks. This may sound weird, but I also thank the sweet potatoes, the lettuce, the apples, the carrots. These are all gifts from the plant life that surrounds us, and even some of these plants died to nourish us. It's important to recognize how blessed we are to have all this food to enjoy and keep us healthy and strong.
I'm thankful for so many things on this holiday.
  • I'm Thankful for all the friends and family I love
  • I'm Thankful for shelter, the money to support myself
  • I'm Thankful to live somewhere that's nonviolent
  • I'm Thankful for the natural beauty that surrounds us
  • I'm Thankful I have my health
  • I'm Thankful I have the ability to acutely enjoy my life

That is just the beginning, I could write a thousand things here. One of the things we'd do when I was young was all hold hands around the table, and instead of saying a prayer, we'd say what we were thankful for.

It's important to recognize our gifts, and I'm glad I was taught to enjoy that as a young child. Whatever you are doing today, remember to just stop and think, breath deeply, and remember what you're thankful for.


Contact Travis said...

i think this is beautiful Kristin. thank YOU for reminding us to be thankful today :)

Lisa said...

Thank you, Kristin, for all you do for all of us every day. Your very presence is a blessing as well as your excellent writing and reporting. And thank you for the reminder too!

Anonymous said...

Your post so captures the essence of Thanksgiving! One of the beauties of the holiday for me is that it is about gratitude and connection, not materialism. Perhaps some of your views come from a connection with the Native Americans, perhaps even a past life experience as one. Or it could be the attitude of people in a simpler time when they were still more conscious about what they were doing, instead of living in mass produced oblivion of don't ask/don't tell. (Anyways, it is my attitude, also.) I am thankful that it is possible to buy meat at places like New Season's where they can tell you who raised the animal and vouch for its good treatment. I try to buy cage free chicken eggs as much as possible, for these poor creatures whether raised for eggs or meat often live unbelievable lives. I am most thankful today for my family, immediate and extended, for my friends, for being able to afford a home, for work that I love, for good health, good plentiful food, that I am with a man I can respect, admire and love. As a bumper sticker aptly says, "The Best Things in Life Aren't Things." Happy Thanksgiving to all.

- A - C - said...

you just wrote a very precious post. if it may seem trivial to some, being thankful is one of the most difficult things.
Thank you Kristin.
