Sunday, August 24, 2008

Blogging Convention 2008 - Craziness in Denver

Denver is a hotbed of activity right now, and just to be "up to the moment", I need to upload these photos now. We're sitting at a Starbucks on the 16th street mall, and this place is protestors and police galore. I am itching with every ounce of my being to be a reporter right now, so I'll do it with my camera. This is so exciting here right now.


andrea said...

Gosh, that must be really hard. At least you're there right? Kind of? Nah, too tempting, huh?

Dan-Eric Slocum said...

It's so great to travel along with you.

Contact Travis said...

fantastic!!!! glad you are STILL reporting even AFTER 'the man' tried to keep you down :)